Welcome to Liz Brown Yoga
Yoga Teacher & Yoga Therapist in Wendover, Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire.
Yoga for Health Foundation yoga teacher with an ethos of ‘yoga for everybody’.
Birthlight pregnancy, birth, postnatal, menopause & well-woman yoga teacher.
Yogacampus yoga therapist, certified with the IAYT & registered with the CNHC.
Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs Teacher.
Accessible Yoga Teacher.
Clinical supervisor as part of faculty on the Yogacampus yoga therapy diploma course in London.
Teaching friendly inclusive group classes, bespoke yoga therapy sessions, specialist workshops and Champneys retreats.
Online and face to face options available.
Practising since 1990. Teaching since 2004.
Here's a link to my Google Reviews; https://g.page/LizBrownYogaWendover?share
Class types:
Professional Qualifications
& Registrations
Reflexology training - Middlesex School of Complementary Medicine (current).
Accessible Yoga Teacher Training with Jivana Heyman at The Accessible Yoga School (2023).
Birthlight Well Woman Yoga Teacher Training with specialist elective in Menopause (2022/23).
Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs Teacher Training (2019).
Yogacampus Yoga Therapy Diploma (2012).
Birthlight Pregnancy, Birth & Postnatal Yoga Teacher training (2007).
Yoga for Health Foundation General Yoga Teacher training (2004).
Certified Yoga Therapist with the International Association of Yoga Therapists (C-IAYT).
Registered Yoga Therapist with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC).
Graduate of the Chartered Institute Of Personnel & Development (CIPD) with a specialisation in Learning & Development.
With respect and thanks to:
Fiona Agombar, Donna Farhi, Francoise Freedman, Gary Carter, Jivana Heyman, John Stirk, Lisa Kaley-Isley, Monica Voss, Pete Blackaby, Ruth Lovell & Tama Soble.
A selection of CPD:
Donna Farhi: Yoga for lower back pain: keys to sacroiliac stability and ease of movement course (2024).
Gabi Parkham: Teaching trauma-informed Yoga to the LGBT+ Community (2021).
Tim McCall: Yoga for Better Balance course (2021).
- Charlotte Watts: Yoga for Digestive Health course (2021).
​Gary Kraftsow: Pain Management For Headaches workshop (2020).
Silvia Laurenti: Introduction to Yoga as therapy for chronic neck pain workshop (2020).
Gary Carter: Functional Anatomy for Yoga, Pilates & Gyrotonic Teachers course (2015).
Françoise Freedman: Perinatal Yoga Level 3 (Advanced) Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training course (2012).
Judith Hanson Lasater: Relax and Renew® Restorative Yoga and Yoga for Anxiety course (2012).
Yoga for Health Educational Trust: Stress Management & Managing Back Problems workshop (2012).
Fiona Agombar: Yoga Therapy for ME/ CFS, Burnout and Chronic Illness course (2011).
Peter Blackaby: Humanistic Yoga course (2010).
City & Guilds 7303 Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) Certificate (2008).